Changes in KubeSpawner


[0.11.1] - 2019-11-29

0.11.1 consists of a small bugfix that made the progress reporting break.


  • Fix spawn progress events now showing up due to failure to serialize #381 (@consideRatio)


[0.11.0] - 2019-11-28

0.11.0 features minor feature additions, compatebility measures, and fixes. KubeSpawner now require Python 3.5 and is no longer actively tested against Kubernetes clusters versioned 1.10 as before, but is now being tested against version 1.12-1.16 with the python kubernetes client library version 8-11 that is compatible with k8s 1.11-1.15.




  • CI reworked, support modern k8s high resolution timestamps, event monitoring is made more reliable, kubernetes=>8 required, python>=3.6 required, inline docs added #368 (@consideRatio)
  • Fix for Kubernetes 1.16 regarding datetime comparison #362 (@consideRatio)
  • More idiomatic python syntax #356 (@AnotherCodeArtist)
  • Compatibility with kubernetes, jupyterhub prereleases #314 (@minrk)
  • compatibility with kubernetes 9.0 #294 (@minrk)
  • Pin kubernetes version to 8.0 #292 (@yuvipanda)



[0.10.1] 2018-12-11

0.10.1 is a tiny bugfix release, fixing regressions in 0.10.0.

  • Fix deprecation of KubeSpawner.hub_connect_ip, which caused errors in 0.10 when the deprecated config was used.

[0.10.1] 2018-12-05

0.10.0 is a small release, with minor changes and fixes.

  • Deprecate KubeSpawner.image_spec configuration in favor of standard KubeSpawner.image. image_spec continues to work with deprecation warnings
  • Stop pinning an exact kubernetes client version; instead, require kubernetes client >= 7. If desired, pinning should be done in images/installations
  • Expand username template variables in extra_containers
  • Set pod restart policy to OnFailure, so that notebook servers that terminate themselves cleanly do not restart automatically
  • Formally deprecate KubeSpawner.hub_connect_ip and KubeSpawner.hub_connect_ip in favor of JupyterHub.hub_connect_ip, available in jupyterhub >= 0.8


[0.9.0] 2018-09-03

KubeSpawner 0.9.0 is a big release of KubeSpawner.

Change highlights:

  • Require Kubernetes >= 1.6
  • Require JupyterHub >= 0.8
  • Require Python >= 3.5
  • Expose lots more Kubernetes options
  • Support configuration profiles via :attr:.KubeSpawner.profile_list
  • Support Kubernetes events for the progress API in JupyterHub 0.9.
  • Update Kubernetes Python client to 6.0 (supporting Kubernetes 1.10 APIs)
  • Numerous bugfixes